PMSF UK & Ireland Family Map
The map below shows the total number of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation (PMSF) members diagnosed with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (PMS) across the UK and Ireland. The numbers given across the map are the totals for each of the regions. For example, there are 125 members diagnosed with PMS across the South of England, including London.
Our 6 regional reps are closely related to a member with PMS and are an incredibly important part of the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation UK (PMSF UK) team. Our regional reps welcome new families once their completed PMSF membership form has been received.
Please click here to visit our regional rep contact page.
Region: Scotland
Regional Rep: Vacant
Registered Families: 27
Region: N. Ireland & Ireland
Regional Rep: Rosie Bovaird
Region: N. Ireland
Registered Families: 13
Region: Ireland
Registered Families: 21
Region: North
Regional Rep: Joe Novak
Registered Families: 72
Region: Midlands & Wales
Regional Reps: Victoria Feddersen-Scott & Tanith Sherwood
Region: Midlands
Registered Families: 85
Region: Wales
Registered Families: 13
Region: South
Regional Reps: Katie Greed
Registered Families: 125